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For smoother, brighter, younger looking skin.


After a Dermaroller procedure your body starts to naturally regenerate and repair the skin, working below the surface in the dermis, to produce healthier collagen. This takes time, as new collagen can take 12 weeks to fully form. Although your skin will feel immediately tighter and more refined, it can take up to 6 weeks before visible signs of regeneration and repair are seen and the process will continue over several months, providing you with a natural and long lasting enhancement. New collagen formation results in acne scars can being diminished.


A cream containing a numbing agent, lidocaine, is applied for 30 minutes, to minimise any discomfort. The skin is cleansed and then swabbed with an antibacterial solution. A high quality titanium Dermaroller is then rolled over the skin to create thousands of miniscule contact points, leaving your body's natural healing process to rejuvenate and repair the skin, for a smoother, younger looking appearance. A concentrated solution of vitamins, mineral and antioxidants are then massaged into the skin, which are immediately absorbed, giving it essential nutrients.


Unlike many other treatments, Dermaroller is one of the few skin therapies that is suitable to treat all skin types regardless of colour or sensitivity, although it should not be used whilst acne is still active. It is proven to be effective on all areas of the body including the face, neck and décolletage. Unlike deep peels there is minimal out-time, make-up can be applied the day after treatment.


Improvement can be seen from 6 - 12 weeks following treatment, with results continuing to improve for up to a year or more. A minimum course of 3 treatments is recommended at 4-6 week intervals to achieve optimum results.

After the procedure you will feel as though you have mild sunburn and your skin will feel warm which will subside after 1-2 hours.

Post procedure instructions

  • Use tepid water to cleanse the face for the following 48 hours and dry gently, always make sure your hands are clean when touching the treated area.

  • It is recommended that make up is not applied for 12 hours after the procedure.

Can anyone have this treatment?

  • Not suitable if infection/cold sores present.

  • Aspirin, Ibprofen or similar medications can result in increased bruising.

  • If you have previously had cold sores, there is a risk of the needle punctures contributing to new cold sores forming after treatment.

  • You should always wear a sunscreen (minimum SPF25), we recommend SkinCeuticals Tinted Moisturiser with SPF 50 even in winter.

Treatment summary

Procedure Time

30 minutes

Duration of Result

6 - 12 months

Recovery Time

Several days, but make-up can be applied the following day

Back to Work

48 hours

Number of Treatments

3 per year

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